Aureus Asset Management LLC (the “company”) recognizes and respects the privacy expectations of our customers. We provide this notice to you so that you will know what kinds of information we collect about our customers and the circumstances in which that information maybe disclosed to third parties who are not affiliated with the company.
- We may collect nonpublic personal about our customers from the following sources:
- Information from client applications or other forms;
- Information about securities holdings from custodians or brokers;
- Information about transactions;
- Information the Company receives from tax, legal, and other advisers.
- We may disclose all of the information described above to certain third parties who are not affiliated with the firm under one or more of the following circumstances;
- As Authorized – if you request or authorize disclosure of the information
- As Required by Law – for example, to cooperate with regulators or law enforcement authorities.
- As Otherwise Permitted by Law – for example, sharing information with companies that maintain, process or service customer accounts such as custodian banks, brokers, and accountants.
- We have a static website meaning that no client information is stored or accessible from that public address.
We require service providers to the company:
- To maintain policies and procedures designed to assure only appropriate access to information about customers of the company;
- To limit the use of information about the company’s customers to the purposes for which the information was disclosed, or as otherwise permitted by law; and
- To maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal standards to guard non-public personal information about our customers.
We will adhere to the policies and practices described in this notice regardless of whether you are a current or former client of the company.
If you have any questions regarding these policies, please contact us by writing to Aureus Asset Management LLC, One Winthrop Square, Boston, MA, 02110, Attention: Gina Koprowski, Chief Compliance Officer, or by calling 617-728-8913.
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